Represents a live view: a LINQ query result that supports two-way data binding and is kept up-to-date with base data.

Namespace:  C1.LiveLinq.LiveViews
Assembly:  C1.Silverlight.LiveLinq (in C1.Silverlight.LiveLinq.dll)


public class View<T> : View, IEnumerable<T>, 
	IEnumerable, IWithDeferredMode, IList<T>, ICollection<T>, IObservableSource<T>
Visual Basic
<DefaultMemberAttribute("Item")> _
<DebuggerDisplayAttribute("Count={Count}")> _
Public Class View(Of T) _
	Inherits View _
	Implements IEnumerable(Of T), IEnumerable, IWithDeferredMode,  _
	IList(Of T), ICollection(Of T), IObservableSource(Of T)

Type Parameters

The type of the elements in the view.

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also